Dxtr Spits + Brizzy Danks – Pack of Dank

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I dig short songs, Dxtr Spits, and short albums, I like how the artist gets to the point, shares their main idea, then moves on. This an enjoyable new audiovisual release from Chicago based, Dxtr Spits, along with Brizzy Danks. the visual aspect of this release is a journey through different filming styles, lighting, and scenery while progressing through a rubik’s cube. Lyrically, this brief album deals with questions around mental health and digging deeper into one’s emotions. Outside of this album, Dxtr Spits has put out a steady stream of thoughtful hip-hop, along with putting on on the best live shows in Chicago. Pack of DankĀ is seven minutes, seven songs, why not give it a listen?


By: Tim Bauer